April 7, 2008

A Little Creativity Goes Along Way...

My mother was recently been diagnosed with Thymomma. It all began with a mass in her chest area that was detected through a mammogram. It was later determined that the mass (the size of a tennis ball) had to be removed. So when she went in for surgery I knew that she'd have to spend some time in ICU. Flowers are a no no! I wanted to make her something that she could have in her room and that she could cherish and remember her grand kids..I created a paper bouquet of flowers using my own design. She absolutely loved them. So did everyone else that saw them. I hope they can be enjoyed for many years to come.

They weren't able to remove the entire mass. It's not really cancer, but they'll be treating it as such. She's on her second round of chemo..Then in another 18 days, she'll begin radiation for the next 35 days. She'll also get chemo once a week. So far things are going well. Her prognosis is very good, this has a 60 - 90 % cure rate.

I was inspired by dannis doodles blog this past week. She was holding a drawing for a RAK for those who posted a comment with something that they were blessed by. I wanted to share my comment on her blog. This is my blessing. "I'm so richly blessed by family...I have wonderful parents who've tried so hard to keep us kids close knit...each Sunday, they make dinner for our families..we sit a reminisce about the younger days and just chat..So today I'm so blessed to have the wonderful family that I have." We often take life and family for granted. My mother has done this every Sunday for the past 16 years. Sometimes us kids will bring a dish but most of the time she's the provider and preparer. Since the recent diagnosis, we've all come to realize the fact that we've taken her for granted. We've been trying to give back to her what she's so graciously given for us all these years. She's so used to being the giver and the doer that she's having a hard time accepting us bringing meals into her and preparing Sunday dinner for her. Thanks Danni for helping me to realize the importance of a true blessing.


Anonymous said...

I can NOT tell you how moved I am to read your post. You, the story of your Mother, the dinners you have together and your bouquet, have made me teary! May God continue to Bless your Mother, she is blessed because you are an immense blessing for sure!

hugs & love!

One Creative Life said...

Wow super cute flowers. Such a great idea! This would be cute for me to make for Grandma on Mother's Day from the kids. I really enjoyed your story of weekly Sunday dinners. Something I wish I had as a kid. Your Mother sounds like my Grandmother. Cooking meals is the way they show love. It's pure joy for them to do it.

I went ahead and linked you up on my blog and you are free to do so with mine if ya want. Thank you for the lovely post!~Erica

Robyn said...

I love your flower bouquet. I am touched by your story. Your mom and family will be in my thoughts!!